结对队友:031602410 黄海潮
- Python爬虫设计
- 完善参数传入部分,词组分割部分,代码整合
- 单元测试&代码覆盖率&性能测试
- Python爬虫设计
- java版词频统计,整改个人作业一成结对作业二
PSP2.1 | Personal Software Process Stages | 预估耗时(分钟) | 实际耗时(分钟) |
Planning | 计划 | 100 | 150 |
· Estimate | · 估计这个任务需要多少时间 | 100 | 150 |
Development | 开发 | 700 | 900 |
· Analysis | · 需求分析 (包括学习新技术) | 150 | 200 |
· Design Spec | · 生成设计文档 | 40 | 60 |
· Design Review | · 设计复审 | 100 | 150 |
· Coding Standard | · 代码规范 (为目前的开发制定合适的规范) | 0 | 0 |
· Design | · 具体设计 | 100 | 150 |
· Coding | · 具体编码 | 0 | 0 |
· Code Review | · 代码复审 | 0 | 0 |
· Test | · 测试(自我测试,修改代码,提交修改) | 0 | 0 |
Reporting | 报告 | 90 | 160 |
· Test Repor | · 测试报告 | 90 | 130 |
· Size Measurement | · 计算工作量 | 5 | 5 |
· Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan | · 事后总结, 并提出过程改进计划 | 30 | 50 |
合计 | 1505 | 2105 |
自己使用java导入jsoup实现爬虫 1.给定网站地址String rooturl = "http://openaccess.thecvf.com/CVPR2018.py"; getContent(rooturl);
try { File file = new File("cvpr\\result.txt"); BufferedWriter bufferedWriter= new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); org.jsoup.nodes.Document document = Jsoup.connect(rooturl).maxBodySize(0) .timeout(1000000) .get(); Elements elements = document.select("[class=ptitle]"); Elements hrefs = elements.select("a[href]"); int count = 0; for(Element element:hrefs) { String url = element.absUrl("href"); org.jsoup.nodes.Document documrnt2 = Jsoup.connect(url).maxBodySize(0) .timeout(1000000) .get(); Elements elements2 = (Elements) documrnt2.select("[id=papertitle]"); String title = elements2.text(); if(count != 0) bufferedWriter.write("\r\n" + "\r\n" + "\r\n"); bufferedWriter.write(count + "\r\n"); bufferedWriter.write("Title: " + title + "\r\n"); Elements elements3 = (Elements) documrnt2.select("[id=abstract]"); String Abstract = elements3.text(); bufferedWriter.write("Abstract: " + Abstract); count++; } bufferedWriter.close(); }catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception e.printStackTrace(); }
关于部分函数的结构及其函数的接口如下:public static String Read(String pathname) //对文件进行读取且处理 public static void FindWordArray(List<String> tempLists, int len, String wordsLine)//寻找符合题意的词组 public static void WordCount(List<String> tempLists,int weight)//统计权重 public static void SortMap(Map<String,Integer> oldmap,int wordline,int wordcount,int characterscount,int flagN)//进行排序并输出
2.使用Pattern和Matcher对爬取出来的Title及Abstract内容进行抽取出来,此时readline()逐行进行抽取,并且进行字符数和行数的统计3.根据之前的题意,对单词合法性进行判断,不合法的单词不进行处理4. 对词组进行分割,此时进行统计单词数5.根据判断w是否为1,进行单词或词组的权重统计6.进行排序后根据题意输出
- 部分代码展示如下:
public static String Read(String pathname) throws Exception {// Scanner scanner=new Scanner(System.in);// String pathname=scanner.nextLine(); Reader myReader = new FileReader(pathname); Reader myBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(myReader); //先对文本处理 CharArrayWriter tempStream = new CharArrayWriter(); int i = -1; do { if(i!=-1) tempStream.write(i); i = myBufferedReader.read(); if(i >= 65 && i <= 90){ i += 32; } }while(i != -1); myBufferedReader.close(); Writer myWriter = new FileWriter(pathname); tempStream.writeTo(myWriter); tempStream.flush(); tempStream.close(); myWriter.close(); return pathname; }
String readLine = null; Pattern pattern1 = Pattern.compile("(title): (.*)"); Pattern pattern2 = Pattern.compile("(abstract): (.*)"); while((readLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { Matcher matcher1=pattern1.matcher(readLine); Matcher matcher2=pattern2.matcher(readLine); if(matcher1.find()) { characterscount+=matcher1.group(2).length(); wordline++;// System.out.println(matcher1.group(2)); String[] wordsArr1 = matcher1.group(2).split("[^a-zA-Z0-9]"); //过滤 for (String newword : wordsArr1) { if(newword.length() != 0){ if((newword.length()>=4)&&(Character.isLetter(newword.charAt(0))&&Character.isLetter(newword.charAt(1))&&Character.isLetter(newword.charAt(2))&&Character.isLetter(newword.charAt(3)))) { wordcount++; if(len == 1) lib.titleLists.add(newword); } } } //new String wordsLine = matcher1.group(2);// System.out.println("wordsLine " + wordsLine); if(len != 1 || wordsLine.length() < 4) { lib.FindWordArray(lib.titleLists, len, wordsLine); } } if(matcher2.find()) { characterscount+=matcher2.group(2).length(); wordline++; //System.out.println(matcher1.group(2)); String[] wordsArr2 = matcher2.group(2).split("[^a-zA-Z0-9]"); //过滤 for (String newword : wordsArr2) { if(newword.length() != 0){ if((newword.length()>=4)&&(Character.isLetter(newword.charAt(0))&&Character.isLetter(newword.charAt(1))&&Character.isLetter(newword.charAt(2))&&Character.isLetter(newword.charAt(3)))) { wordcount++; if(len == 1) lib.abstractLists.add(newword); } } } String AbsLine = matcher2.group(2); if(len != 1 || AbsLine.length() < 4) { lib.FindWordArray(lib.abstractLists, len, AbsLine); } } }
public static void FindWordArray(ListtempLists, int len, String wordsLine) { int tempi = 0; int cnti = 0; int cntt = 0; String temp = ""; String[] words = new String[len]; String[] separators = new String[len]; for(int i = 0; i < wordsLine.length(); i++) { //The four words in front of a new word if (tempi < 4 && Character.isLetter(wordsLine.charAt(i))) { tempi ++;// System.out.println("<4 " + i + " " + wordsLine.charAt(i)); temp = temp + wordsLine.charAt(i); //A new word appear. if (i == wordsLine.length() - 1) { words[cnti%len] = temp; cnti ++; cntt ++;// System.out.println("word " + temp); //A new wordarray appear. if(cntt == len) { String wordArray = ""; for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) { wordArray = wordArray + words[(cnti + j)%len]; if(j != len-1) wordArray = wordArray + separators[(cnti + j)%len]; } tempLists.add(wordArray);// System.out.println("wordArray " + wordArray); cntt --; } } } else if (tempi >= 4) { tempi ++; if(Character.isLetter(wordsLine.charAt(i)) || Character.isDigit(wordsLine.charAt(i))) {// System.out.println("1 >=4 " + i + " " + wordsLine.charAt(i)); temp = temp + wordsLine.charAt(i); //A new word appear. if (i == wordsLine.length() - 1) { words[cnti%len] = temp; cnti ++; cntt ++;// System.out.println("word " + temp); //A new wordArray appear. if(cntt == len) { String wordArray = ""; for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) { wordArray = wordArray + words[(cnti + j)%len]; if(j != len-1) wordArray = wordArray + separators[(cnti + j)%len]; } // add wordArray to list tempLists.add(wordArray);// System.out.println("wordArray " + wordArray); cntt --; } } } else {// System.out.println("2 >=4 " + i + " " + wordsLine.charAt(i)); //A new word appear.And a separator appear. words[cnti%len] = temp; cnti ++; cntt ++;// System.out.println("word 123 " + temp); if(cntt == len) { String wordArray = ""; for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) { wordArray = wordArray + words[(cnti + j)%len]; if(j != len-1) wordArray = wordArray + separators[(cnti + j)%len]; }// add wordArray to list tempLists.add(wordArray);// System.out.println("wordArray " + wordArray); cntt --; } if (i + 4 >= wordsLine.length()) break; tempi = 0; temp = ""; //draw a separator String tempSeparator = "" + wordsLine.charAt(i);// System.out.println("Separator" + tempSeparator + "123"); for(int j = 1; j < wordsLine.length() - i; j++) { if( Character.isDigit(wordsLine.charAt(i+j)) || Character.isLetter(wordsLine.charAt(i+j)) ) {// System.out.println("123"); temp = ""; separators[(cnti-1)%len] = tempSeparator; break; } else tempSeparator = tempSeparator + wordsLine.charAt(i+j); } } } //A invalid word appear else {// System.out.println("invalid " + i + "" + wordsLine.charAt(i)); if (i + 4 >= (int)wordsLine.length()) break; tempi = 0; temp = ""; cnti = 0; cntt = 0; } } }
public static void WordCount(ListtempLists,int weight) { for (String li : tempLists) { if(wordsCount.get(li) != null){ wordsCount.put(li,wordsCount.get(li) + weight); }else{ wordsCount.put(li,weight); } } }
public static void SortMap(Mapoldmap,int wordline,int wordcount,int characterscount,int flagN) throws IOException{ ArrayList > list = new ArrayList >(oldmap.entrySet()); Collections.sort(list,new Comparator >(){ @Override public int compare(Entry o1, Entry o2) { return o2.getValue() - o1.getValue(); //降序 } }); File file = new File("result.txt"); BufferedWriter bi = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); bi.write("characters: "+characterscount+"\r\n"); bi.write("words: "+wordcount+"\r\n"); bi.write("lines: "+wordline+"\r\n"); int flag = 0; for(int i = 0; i =flagN) break; if(list.get(i).getKey().length()>=4) bi.write("<"+list.get(i).getKey()+">"+ ": " +list.get(i).getValue()+"\r\n"); flag++; } bi.close(); }
- 改进思路 1.统计单词和统计词组是分离的,导致程序性能有所下降,可改善整合统计单词和统计词组部分。 2.在分割词组时,采用逐字符读取,使用循环数组保存单词和分隔符,如改善使用正则匹配,性能应该会有所提升。 3.在统计长文件时,字符数会和他人有所不同(貌似一人一个答案),寻求了解决方案后发现好像是由于存在非ASCII码的原因,改善问题不在此次作业范围内。 4.其余部分在个人作业时,所表现的性能还是比较好的,暂时没有改善的思路。
- 问题描述: 1.使用python进行爬虫时有时候缺少部分内容 2.使用正则分割去出单词时,无法保留最后需输出的分隔符
- 做过哪些尝试: 1.对代码进行查错,上网查询类似问题及解决方法,对代码进行改进。 2.对正则进行更多学习了解,使用其他方法进行分割保留分隔符
- 是否解决: 通过重新学习写一个java的爬虫解决问题.
- 有何收获: 解决一个问题的时候,如果一种方式怎么样都做不到,解决不了,可以尝试换一种方法来解决
- java基础不错,一点点java基础的我,决定在这次软工实践中多多锻炼加强学习,好在队友java比我好多了,着实抱到大腿了,希望他可以继续带飞我。
- 遇到问题都会寻求解决方法而不是退缩,赞!
- 态度积极,值得学习。
第N周 | 新增代码(行) | 累计代码(行) | 本周学习耗时(小时) | 累计学习耗时(小时) | 重要成长 |
1 | 300 | 300 | 8 | 8 | 入门Visual studio的使用(包括单元测试) |
2 | 0 | 300 | 6 | 14 | 了解正则表达式的使用 |
3 | 0 | 300 | 10 | 24 | 加深掌握了Axure的使用,学会了使用NABCD模型进行需求分析 |
4 | 500 | 800 | 36 | 60 | 加强了python/java爬虫基础,在java代码方面有很大的提升,解除了数据分析和可视化设计 |